
Friday, 1 July 2011

Simplify it please!

Today my boss asked me a very hard question, "Are you diverse?"
What would the answer to that question be if it was directed to you?
But before you tell me that, let me tell you what I said...I said nothing!
Now you are probably wondering what the hell I was thinking...
You are right!
You see, I didn't answer because I didn't know what to say..But before you start blaming me, blame the boss first for not explaining what he really wanted to know.
I was thinking hard, thinking about me, my interests, my hobbies and more so my friends. You have probably come across a saying stating that, 'show me your friends and I will show you what kind of a person you are.' Its true!!
I have got a whole assortment of friends and I might classify them into several groups:..
   1. Genuine friends - these friends are the people who would tell you anything without necessarily minding if that sh!t hurts or not...and will light up a stick later and smoke it off with you.
    2. Cover friends - heard of the saying Never judge a book by it cover? Well, you should be very careful with these ones because what the say might not necessarily have your best intentions at heart. They will tell you with a straight face that that chic is bad then when you off her case they go ahead and ....!
    3. The bad ass - These are the friends I guess I've learnt a lot from. They will very well know that whatever they are doing will have major repercussions but they will do it anyway and face the consequences later. They are high on a drug and its called f*** it!!
    4. Ma-ordinaree - also called salamu-pals. These ones are just there! They provide for greetings whenever you meet and that's just about it. A typical conversation between them would go like:
        You: Hi..
        Them: Hi..
        You: You good?..
        Them: Yap, I'm
        You: I'm great...
        Them: Ok...good to know...see you around...
        You: Ok...bye
        Them: Bye.
    5.Crazy - now this is one group .............(note my lack of words)! They are the kind who believe that when you are out having fun you gotta do anything that you want to. You will be in a joint in Westlands and next thing you know they are suggesting that since you are near the Nakuru highway, the night should climax at a few minutes to midnight you start a Nakuru-bound journey!...or you might be at a house party somewhere in the suburbs and next before you know it, its 2am and you are headed for a swimming pool in a restaurant in the opposite direction! But these escapades always make one hell of a story..

Oh, back to my see I have not even exhausted the list but the different kinds of things and traits and interests that you can pick from all my friends...
You can now see how hard I thought and why I drew a blank!
Anyway I will now share this link with my boss and let him decide for himself if I am diverse or not!

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